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Microsoft Plans to Detail DirectX 12 at GDC 2014

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  • Microsoft Plans to Detail DirectX 12 at GDC 2014

    Don't go shoveling dirt on DX12's grave

    It's been nearly three and a half years since Microsoft last released a major version of its DirectX API, followed by a few point releases between then and now. However, if you feared DirectX was essentially done, you can sigh a breath of relief knowing that's not the case. As a new DirectX 12 (DX12) Twitter account exclaims, "Rumors of our demise have been greatly exaggerated...." Not only that, but DX12 is only two weeks away.
    Microsoft created the special Twitter account and also put up a teaser page on its MSDN blog. Next to a giant DirectX 11 box, it says, "Join us at GDC March 20, 2014 10:00am." Underneath the text are logos for AMD Radeon Graphics, Intel, Nvidia, Qualcomm Snapdragon, and Windows.
    One of the sessions that's scheduled for GDC is "DirectX: Direct3D Futures," which will be presented by Max McMullen, head of the Windows Graphics team. According to the description, McMullen will discuss how future changes to Direct3D will enable next generation games to run faster, as well as how future improvements will allow developers an unprecedented level of hardware control. He'll also talk about reducing CPU rendering overhead across a broad ecosystem of hardware, which could tie in with Qualcomm's involvement here.

    In any event, stay tuned -- we'll have more in a couple of weeks when DirectX 12 is officially unboxed!
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