There has been a lot happening in the world of tech this week, so we assembled in the podcast room to bring you episode 224 of the No BS Podcast! On this jam packed episode, we begin by sharing our thoughts on the Surface Pro III and argue about whether it can stand up to Ultrabooks and tablets. We then address Alienware's prediction that its Steam Machines will be its least profitable system yet, and speculate as to what may be Alienware's long-term strategy with Valve. Next up, Alaina gives us the scoop on Microsoft's announcement regarding the fact that the Xbox One will no longer require the Kinect to function. We follow that up with Tom's breakdown of the FCC's take on Net Neutrality. Afterwards, Clark discusses autonomous vehicle legislation, including the news that the DMV recently approved a set of rules and regulations governing the use of these cars. Finally, we answer your questions, give you our picks, and Gordon delivers another signature rant.

Editors' Picks
Tom McNamara: Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey
Jimmy Thang: Howlongtobeat.com
Clark Crisp: 2048 Puzzle
Alaina Yee: Child of Light, Classic Theme Restorer for Firefox 29
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