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Steam Summer Sale for 2014 Has Begun

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  • Steam Summer Sale for 2014 Has Begun

    What team are you on?

    Been wondering what to spend your hard-earned money on this summer? Well Valve’s Steam Summer Sale 2014 has begun and your wallet will never be the same way again thanks to the various sales, daily sales and flash sales that will entice you from June 19 to June 30. However, with this year’s summer sale, there is the Summer Adventure you can participate in that focuses on Valve’s Steam trading cards that were implemented last year.
    While trying to decide whether or not to purchase games on the Daily or Flash sales, that can range from 10 percent to 85 percent off, Steam users will also earn points for crafting Team Badges. By crafting the Summer Sale 2014 badge users will earn points for the team they have been randomly sorted into. Each day the team that has earned the most points will have 30 random team members chosen who will get three games from their wishlist for free. The rest of the winning team’s members will receive two bonus Summer Sale trading cards. But even if you are not one of the lucky 30, crafting the summer badge will still provide you with some rewards. Users will get one in-game item, one emoticon, one profile background, and a chance for a Team Token.
    Team members will also earn points by crafting game badges but the points gained will be significantly lower. Regular game badges will earn one point and the foil badges 10 while each Summer Adventure Badge will earn 10 points and the foil badge 100 points for the crafter's team.
    In order to collect all 10 of the Steam Adventure trading cards needed to craft the Summer Adventure badge, users can earn one card for each game badge created, receive one card per $10 USD spent (or equivalent monetary value), and get one card for every three votes they cast for the Community’s Choice of which games should go on sale next.
    Some of the games on sale today include The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition for $3.99, Democracy 3 for $8.49, Tomb Raider for $9.99, and Half-Life 2, one of our 10 Best source Games, for $4.99.
    What games are you hoping to buy during the summer sale and what team are you on? Sound off in the comments below!
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