Top Deal:
Having trouble deciding between the fast transfers of a solid state drive versus the bulk storage of a mechanical hard drive? If you're willing to compromise a bit on both fronts, you can have the best of both worlds. For example, today's top deal is for a Seagate Hybrid 1TB SSHD for $75 with free shipping (normally $90 - use coupon code: [EMCPCWC63]). It combines 1TB of mechanical HDD storage with 8GB of NAND flash memory for frequently accessed data. It also boasts 64MB of cache and a SATA 6Gbps interface.
Other Deals:
Asus VS Series VS247H-P Black 23.6-inch 2ms LED Backlight Widescreen LCD Monitor for $120 with free shipping (normally $160 - use coupon code: [EMCPCWC22]; additional $20 Mail-in rebate)
WD My Book 4TB USB 3.0/USB 2.0 3.5-inch External Hard Drive for $130 with free shipping (normally $150 - use coupon code: [EMCPCWC229])
Kingston HyperX 3K 240G 2.5-inch 240GB SATA III MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) for $120 with free shipping
Samsung 840 Evo MZ-7TE250KW 2.5-inch TLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) for $135 with free shipping (normally $155 - use coupon code: [EMCPCWC33])