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Danish Researchers Set New Fiber-Optic Data Transfer Record

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  • Danish Researchers Set New Fiber-Optic Data Transfer Record

    Technical University of Denmark (DTU) researchers achieve 43Tbps using a single laser

    Between 2009 and 2011, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) was on a record-breaking binge. It all began with DTU breaking the 1Tbps (terabits per second) fiber-optic data transmission barrier using a single laser in March 2009, only for researchers at the Danish institute to outdo themselves over the next two years with yet more impressive efforts of 5.1Tbps and 9.5Tbps, respectively. Their dominance ended in 2011, though, when Germany’s Karlsruhe Institute of Technology took the record away from them.
    According a press release issued by the university late last month, researchers at DTU have set a new record by managing to achieve data transfer speeds of 43Tbps (or around 5.4 terabytes) using a single laser. The previous record, set by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in 2011, was 26Tbps. DTU managed this feat by using a new kind of seven-core optical fiber from Japanese company NNT.
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