Microsoft this week started rolling out Clutter to Office 365 business customers to help them better manage their emails. Previously known as Delve, Microsoft's Clutter tool uses machine learning to de-clutter your inbox by moving lower priority messages into a dedicated folder. In theory, what gets left behind are more urgent emails that need your immediate attention.
Clutter works its email management mojo by learning from your actions the types of emails you're most likely to ignore. Using that information, it then begins automatically moving less important messages out of sight as they arrive, though you can still access them any time you want.
"It gets smarter over time, learning from your prior actions with similar messages, and assessing things like the type of content and even how you are addressed in the message," Microsoft explains in a blog post. "The Clutter experience is personalized to each individual and reflects an email experience that adapts to your actions and preferences without you having to do anything. The information Clutter learns from each user’s actions are only applied to that user’s experience and are not shared with anyone else."
Though it's being rolled out right now, Clutter is disabled by default. You can turn it on as soon as it's available, and if you end up not liking how it works, you can turn it back off at any time.
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