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Microsoft's Promises a Windows 10 Update for All Lumia Windows Phone 8 Devices

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  • Microsoft's Promises a Windows 10 Update for All Lumia Windows Phone 8 Devices

    No Lumia Windows Phone 8 device left behind

    This time around, Microsoft isn't repeating its past mistake and will instead do Lumia phone customers a solid by committing to a Windows 10 update for all Lumia Windows Phone 8 handsets. Microsoft made the promise in response to a customer's question on Twitter. The customer said he was interested in buying a Lumia 930 phone but wanted to know if it would get the update to Windows 10.
    "We plan to upgrade all Windows Phone 8 devices to Windows 10," Microsoft responded, with a smiling emoticon for good measures.
    It's not clear when Windows 10 will be finished and ready for deployment, though it's nice to know beforehand that Microsoft won't leave its customer base out in the cold a second time. Microsoft made that mistake when it announced that Windows Phone 7 owners wouldn't be getting an upgrade to Windows Phone 8 due to a kernel change (to Windows NT).
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