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Oculus VR Grabs Hand-Tracking Camera Developer Nimble VR

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  • Oculus VR Grabs Hand-Tracking Camera Developer Nimble VR

    Oculus keeps growing

    While Samsung has released its Gear VR headset for mobile devices, there are virtual reality enthusiasts who are waiting for Oculus VR to finally release a consumer version of the Oculus Rift. In the meantime, the company continues to expand and bring more people into the fold. Today, Oculus VR announced that it has acquired Nimble VR, 13th Lab, and has hired Chris Bregler.
    While Oculus VR has been expanding, it is amazing how quickly it has picked up Nimble VR. The company was developing the Nimble Sense camera, which Online Managing Editor Jimmy Thang was able to see in person, and seeking funds on Kickstarter. The Kickstarter project passed its goal of $62,500 and was currently at $135,511 until the project was cancelled today in the wake of the acquisition.
    In addition to Nimble VR, Oculus also picked up 13th Lab, a small company that has developed software capable of mapping and creating real-time 3D constructions of the real world. Along with the two new companies, Oculus also hired motion capture expert Chris Bregler whose most recent credits for visual tracking includes The Lone Range and Star Trek Into Darkness.
    But Oculus VR isn’t done yet and is looking to hire more people stating on its blog, “We’re always on the lookout for more phenomenal engineers and researchers interested in tackling the unsolved CV problems that move us closer to consumer VR.”
    Question is, when are we going to see a consumer version of the Oculus Rift and what else is the developer working on? Have any theories?
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