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Facebook Puts Thought into "Dislike" and “Sympathize” Buttons

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  • Facebook Puts Thought into "Dislike" and “Sympathize” Buttons

    Does Facebook need more buttons?

    Just about anyone who's ever used Facebook has wished for a "Dislike" button at one point or another. Unless you're willing to rid your Friends list of all your friends, family, and co-workers, then you've seen an inane post that made you question how well you really know Uncle Bob or your buddy Bill. Or maybe someone posted a spoiler to The Sons of Anarchy's series finale. Well, the good news is Facebook is at least "thinking about" a dislike button. The bad news? A "sympathize" button is more likely to appear.
    This is a topic that Zuckerberg's probably addressed a million times behind the scenes, though now that he's holding public Q&A sessions, you can bet it's one of the things people inevitably ask about. Such was the case during Zuckerberg's second time fielding questions from the general populace.
    "We're thinking about it," Zuckerberg replied to a question about adding a dislike button, though he's cautious it could cause more harm than good.
    "I don't think there needs to be a voting mechanism on Facebook, whether posts are good are bad," Zuckerberg added. "I don't think that's socially very valuable or good for the community. But the thing that I think is very valuable is that there are more sentiments that people want to express than just positivity or that they like something."
    One of those sentiments popped up in reports a year ago, that sentiment being a "sympathize" button. It's one of many that could appear on the site before or in place of a dislike button.
    You can catch the 1-hour Q&A session by going here.
    Image Credit: Flickr (Marcin Wichary)
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