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Microsoft Yanks Two Patch Tuesday Updates After Problems Arise

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  • Microsoft Yanks Two Patch Tuesday Updates After Problems Arise

    Buggy updates caused problems with some Windows rigs

    It's been a bit of a rough month for Microsoft and various Windows users, at least in terms of software updates. It started with Microsoft telling Windows 10 Preview users to uninstall Office prior to applying Patch Tuesday updates or else the installer would fail. However, it's not only uses of pre-release software who ran into trouble. Microsoft has gone and pulled two security patches because they were causing problems for some users.
    According to InfoSecurity, the first incident involves KB 3004394, a patch that prevented some Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 machines from being able to install future updates. Those affected are advised to install an update title KB 3024777, which will remove the original patch from their systems.
    The second issue involves Exchange Server 2010 SP3 Update Rollup 8. A day after it was released, Microsoft had to pull it offline while it works on putting out a new version.
    "The issue impacts the ability of Outlook to connect to Exchange, thus we are taking the action to recall the RU8 to resolve this problem," Microsoft said. "We will deliver a revised RU8 package as soon as the issue can be isolated, corrected, and validated."
    Microsoft bundles security fixes and bug patches into a monthly roll out on the second Tuesday of every month known as Patch Tuesday. Typically they fix a bunch of issues, but every so often, they cause trouble themselves, as is the case here.
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