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Microsoft Tries Poaching MacBook Users with Surface Pro 3 Website

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  • Microsoft Tries Poaching MacBook Users with Surface Pro 3 Website

    New site helps MacBook users make the switch to Surface

    Microsoft wasn't so brazen as to post a website trying to lure MacBook users to its original Surface products, including the Surface RT, a particularly forgettable product. But with the Surface Pro 3, Microsoft has hit a groove and come out with a product that, for some, is a tablet that can truly replace their laptop. With its new-found confidence, Microsoft has gone gunning for MacBook users with a new website to help them make the switch to Surface Pro 3.
    "Computers, and the memories you keep within them, are incredibly personal. We know moving these memories from one platform to another can be nerve-racking and learning new software can seem daunting. We want to make the transition as easy as possible. If you currently have a Mac and have questions about switching to Surface Pro 3 and Windows, we designed this site to help get you started," Microsoft explains on its new site.
    Will it work? Time will tell, though the answer will depend in part on how MacBook users (and the populace in general) views the site. Modern Readers referred to the site as "teeth-clenchingly annoying" and "not patronizing at all...nope...not a bit," the latter an obviously sarcastic observation.
    There are four sections:
    1. Getting started with Windows
    2. Surface Pro 3 for MacBook users
    3. Moving your content to Surface Pro 3
    4. Using Surface Pro 3 with iPhone, iCloud, and iTunes

    The second section might be the most helpful for a Mac users who isn't familiar with Windows, as it lays out a bunch of "how-to" tasks.
    Microsoft stated in its most recent earnings report that sales of its Surface tablets more than doubled year-over-year and also sequentially to $908 million. According to Microsoft, the reason for the surge in sales is due to "strong interest from students, professionals, and increasingly enterprises for Surface Pro 3." That's a far cry from the Surface RT days when Microsoft was stuck holding onto $900 million worth of unsold inventory.
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