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Top 14 News Stories of 2014

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  • Top 14 News Stories of 2014

    Looking back at another wild year in the tech sector

    Two years ago, the world was supposed to end, based on the Mayan calendar. And last year, we heard about the death of the PC ad nauseam. Of course, neither of those things happened, setting up yet another event-filled 12 months of technology news that ran the gamut from a major security flaw affecting nearly every website on the Internet, to Blizzard announcing its first new PC game franchise in 17 years, plus a whole lot more.
    We're more anxious than ever to see what's in store for 2015, both internally (we have a new Editor-in-Chief, say hello to Tuan Nguyen!) and of course externally, with a new Windows OS release on the horizon. Prices of solid-state drives continue to fall, graphics cards are getting faster and offering more bang for your buck, virtual reality is closer than ever to being a mainstream thing, and Intel and AMD keep piling on more CPU cores for that inevitable day when software developers finally take full advantage of multi-core processing. It's going to be an exciting year indeed!
    However, we're getting ahead of ourselves. Before we cross over into 2015, let's take a moment to look back and give 2014 a proper goodbye. To do that, we've put together a gallery highlighting 14 of the more interesting tech stories of the past year. It's a trip back in time, if you will, so grab a bottle of grog, sit back, and let's toast another fun year together before we embark on a new one!

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