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Internet Archive Resurrects Over 2,300 MS- DOS Games in Your Browser!

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  • Internet Archive Resurrects Over 2,300 MS- DOS Games in Your Browser!

    Well, there goes all our free time!

    If your friends and co-workers all seem unusually busy as of late, it's probably because they discovered a virtual gold mine of gaming goodness. You can discover it too, courtesy of the Internet Archive and software curator Jason Scott, who assembled a collection of roughly 2,400 MS-DOS games, all of which are playable in your browser. We're talking titles like The Oregon Trail, Leisure Suit Larry 1 - Land of the Lounge Lizard, Golden Axe, Street Fighter, Silent Service, and so many more.
    It's a massive collection of nostalgic gaming titles, though bear in the emulation at work is still in beta, so expect a bit of a bumpy ride in some instances. Hey, a small price to pay for what amounts to a free trip back in time, no plutonium required.
    "First, I really worked hard to have only fully-functioning programs up, or at least, programs that gave viable, useful feedback. Some of them will still fall over and die, and many of them might be weird to play in a browser window, and of course you can’t really save things off for later, and that will limit things too. But on the whole, you will experience some analogue of the MS-DOS program, in your browser, instantly," Scott stated in a blog post.
    This is a work in progress, and as such, some games will go, others will be updated, and of course there will be some new admissions. In the short term, it appears Scott has done some weeding -- what was a library of 2,389 games earlier this week is now down to 2,310.
    Still, this is a wonderful opportunity to revisit games you might have grown up playing, like Lemmingss and Prince of Persia, all accessible by going here.
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