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CES 2015: NZXT Displays Unique 'DOKO' Streaming Box [Video]

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  • CES 2015: NZXT Displays Unique 'DOKO' Streaming Box [Video]

    A different kind of streaming box

    In the old days, PC gamers would sit in front of a large CRT monitor in a dedicated room littered with spare parts, game boxes (yes, there was actually a time when PC games came in big retail boxes!), empty potato chip bags, and other things scattered all around. Not anymore. Vendors are starting to recognize that PC gamers are mobile creatures, and so we're seeing more streaming options. While at the Consumer Electronics Show last week, NZXT showed us a PC streaming device of its own called DOKO.
    Rather than be a hermit as you try and tear through your bloated Steam library, DOKO connects to your network (plug it into one of your router's gigabit Ethernet ports) and allows you to use your PC in the living room. There's no proprietary hardware or software involved -- DOKO lets you play any game that your PC can handle, NZXT says.
    While gaming is the main draw, you can also run office software, stream media content, and more. And unlike traditional TV boxes, you're not limited to a certain set of media channels or file formats.
    "PC game streaming mirroring devices are all restricted by their own platforms, proprietary technologies, or latency issues... Freeing you from the restrictions of current PC game streaming technologies, DOKO lets you play any game your PC can, all in the comfort of your living room."
    DOKO uses a gigabit connection to your network and is capable of streaming high definition (1080p, 30fps) with latency in the neighborhood of 50-80ms. You can also plug in devices via four USB 2.0 ports, including the official Xbox 360 wired and wireless controllers.
    DOKO is available now for $100 from the NZXT Armory. For more, check out our video below:

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