Guilty as charged -- we used the bit about drinking water made from human waste as a hook, and we'll do you a solid by not wasting any time getting right down to it. According to Bill Gates, the short answer is that it's "just like drinking any other kind of water, except that people get a little freaked out about it." He also has a sense of humor about it, which he proved by posting a photo in Reddit's Photoshop Battles sections.
Moving on, there's quite a bit more to digest from Bill Gates third Reddit AMA session, including his thoughts on HoloLens, life regrets, and more.
As for regrets, even billionaire philanthropists have them, and one that Bill Gates laments is not having learned any foreign languages.
"I feel pretty stupid that I don't know any foreign languages. I took Latin and Greek in High School and got A's and I guess it helps my vocabulary but I wish I knew French or Arabic or Chinese," Gates said. "I keep hoping to get time to study one of these - probably French because it is the easiest. I did Duolingo for awhile but didn't keep it up. Mark Zuckerberg amazingly learned Mandarin and did a Q&A with Chinese students - incredible."
Regarding HoloLens, Gates think its "pretty amazing" and calls it the "start of virtual reality." At the same time, VR technology has to address the issue of nausea.
"Making the device so you don't get dizzy or nauseous is really hard -- the speed of the alignment has to be super, super fast. It will take a few years of software applications being built to realize the full promise of this," Gates said.
He also shared some thoughts on Microsoft under the direction of CEO Satya Nadella, though not in great detail. He noted that Nadella gets to take a fresh view of the company, both its strengths and weaknesses, adding that "a new person gets to step back and change the focus in some ways. He is off to a great start."
It's an interesting read, as he answers a ton of questions. You can check it out here, or filter just his replies by clicking here.
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