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Voltera V-One Prints Prototype Circuit Boards, Sparks Interest on Kickstarter

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  • Voltera V-One Prints Prototype Circuit Boards, Sparks Interest on Kickstarter

    Print your own circuit board from home

    It didn't take long for the Voltera V-One circuit printer to blow past its $70,000 goal on Kickstarter. Within the the first 35 minutes, it hit the $100,000 mark, and a day later (today), it's approaching $231,000 with 28 days left to go. Obviously there's quite a bit of interest in a machine that can create a prototype PCB from your work bench, complete with conductive ink to create the traces and an insulating ink as a mask between layers.
    "These boards aren't meant to replace mass manufactured PCBs - this is a prototyping tool that helps you get there faster," the developers explain. "How many times have you tossed out a board because you used the wrong footprint or because you forgot a pull-up resistor? If you're anything like us... more times than you'd like to admit. Now you can quickly test an idea without wasting money or two weeks of your time!"
    Ease of use is the name of the game here. There's only a single button and the ink cartridges snap on and off magnetically. The included software holds the user's hand every step of the way and handles file conversions.
    In addition to creating PCBs, it can function as a solder paste dispenser as well. So if you have multiple pre-fabbed boards that need to be populated, the Voltera V-One can handle that, and will also provide heat for the reflowing process.

    Early Bird pricing of $1,199 is all gone, so the next cheapest cost of entry is $1,499 for the second batch (estimated to ship in January 2016), followed by $1,799 for the first batch (estimated to ship September 2015).
    You can check it out here.
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