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YouTube Now Supports 360-degree Video Uploads, Playback

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  • YouTube Now Supports 360-degree Video Uploads, Playback

    The video uploading process isn’t entirely automatic

    YouTube has followed through on its January announcement that it was “working to support 360 degree videos in the coming weeks.” The Google-owned online streaming site announced in a blog post Friday that it now supports 360-degree video uploads. According to the site, the list of compatible 360-degree cameras includes Bublcam, Giroptic’s 360cam, IC Real Tech’s Allie, Kodak’s SP360 and Ricoh Theta.
    With the whole uploading process being a bit rough around the edges at this stage, be prepared to endure a technical rigmarole. You need to run a Python script on the video file to “insert the right metadata” and ensure that it uploads as a 360-degree. The company says it’s working to make the entire process automatic.
    For playback, you can either use the Chrome browser or the YouTube Android app (iOS support in the works). While the former requires the use of a mouse, the Android app delivers a more intuitive experience as moving the smartphone or tablet is all that is needed to control the point of view.
    This announcement has no immediate implications from a VR (virtual reality) standpoint, though. Because that would require the app to support some sort of head-tracking support, which it currently lacks.

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