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Lenovo May Be Eyeing MSI's Gaming Laptop Division

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  • Lenovo May Be Eyeing MSI's Gaming Laptop Division

    Buying gaming street cred

    MSI has built up quite a stable of gaming laptops, many of which offer a decent bang-for-buck. They've gotten the attention of mobile gamers, and apparently Lenovo is paying attention as well. That's assuming the latest rumor is true -- word on the web is that Lenovo wants to buy MSI's gaming notebook business. It wouldn't be a bad acquisition for Lenovo, but would MSI be interested in such a deal?
    According to Digitimes, MSI has denied the reports, though sources from within the supply chain industry hold firm that Lenovo is at least interested in the idea of owning MSI's gaming laptop division. The motivation for Lenovo would be to fasttrack its way to competing in the gaming notebook sector, a business segment that the Chinese OEM is only marginally participating in at the moment.
    Not only is Lenovo supposedly interested, Digitimes' sources say there's an offer on the table that hasn't yet been turned down. Both sides are said to be in the negotiating phase.
    The gaming laptop market is fairly competitive with options from Acer, Asus, Toshiba, MSI, and others. It's seen as a growing sector, so it's easy to see why Lenovo would be interested in joining the fray. At present, the best Lenovo has to offer is its Y Series of gaming laptops, all of which are based on Nvidia's last generation GTX 800M Series, save for the Y40-80 (Radeon R9 M275).
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