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  • Freeze

    Well for some reason when I play wolfenstein my computer freezes about 30 sec. after connecting to a server.. anyone got any suggestions?

  • #2
    Mine freezes too, but randomly...I never know when I'm gonna go I hear lots have this same problem............


    • #3
      I've asked around about this problem and the one solid answer I consistantly get is that it's probably a Punk Buster "thing". I've noticed that the server's on which I freeze are PB protected, and others like HP which don't have PB enabled I alomost never freeze.


      • #4
        You have probably done this but I had the same and changed the memory alocated to the game by doing the following. This was from the help documentation that come with the game.

        3. Allocating Memory Using com_hunkmegs:

        The command com_hunkmegs is used to increase or decrease the size of memory used by the game. By default it is set to 72 megabytes (MB), which allows the game to easily run on computers with 128 MB of RAM. If your system has more than 128 MB of RAM, you can adjust this value to allow better performance.

        For example: If you have a machine with 256 MB of RAM you can use the command \com_hunkmegs 192 to allocate more memory to the program. You do this by accessing the game console (press the ~ key), and typing in:

        \com_hunkmegs 192

        Then press Enter.

        (Substitute the amount of memory that you would like to dedicate for the "192" in the example above).

        NOTE: You should never allocate more than 3/4 (75%) of your total system memory. You may experience problems with your computer system if you do. If you have also increased the amount of memory being allocated for sound, make sure that the total of com_hunkmegs and com_soundmegs is not greater than 3/4 (75%) of your total system memory.

        Please refer to the Dedicated Server document for an example of how to alter com_hunkmegs on dedicated servers.

        I also downloaded the latest drivers for my display and sound card for good measure.

        As a result the problem seems to have stopped. Hope this helps!


        • #5
          I speak for Hans and myself here....We both have PB disabled and still freeze on HP2 haha go figure...and we both do have our hunkmegs set this way Kitten. I am clueless!


          • #6
            I have to add, that since i've installed the 1.41 patch, even punkbuster seem to work pretty normal again... Although i still disable it, when playing at a non-pb server...

            But indeed, playing at hp 2 give me sometimes a real pain in my ... (bottom part of my body, below my back, but above my legs)

            |ToaK|-Website Dulce bellum inexpertis.
            (War is delightful to those who have no experience of it.)


            • #7
              Penis!? lol


              • #8

                Maybe stuppid and maybe you have no MSN but disabble MSN when playing, it helped me.But i am not so good in knowledge as the guys above. I only want to help.
                Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
                Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
                Walk beside me and just be my friend.

                The old wolf


                • #9
                  Originally posted by [Coi]lime
                  Penis!? lol
                  I am a lucky man; that body part can be found at the front of my body, not at my back-side...

                  Wrong guess, dear Lime....

                  |ToaK|-Website Dulce bellum inexpertis.
                  (War is delightful to those who have no experience of it.)


                  • #10
                    But maybe you get another one into your back side??? LOOOOOL

                    Life is just another way to die!


                    • #11

                      Bet you've got a surprised expresion on your face too.

