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Plz HELP part 2 (CloneCD)

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  • Plz HELP part 2 (CloneCD)

    Hey guys

    I'm back to ask for some Assistance, I recently installed a programme called CloneCD onto my PC.
    I was going to use it to backup protected CD’s and to copy games….

    Anyway it has completely (Excuse the ‘French’) FUCKED (Sorry Hans) my PC, my CD-rom drive works sometimes, and the cd-burner won’t work at all.

    It has worked its way into my registry files, put any extra drive on my PC (Which does Nothing!)

    I’m currently using XP-home edition and the system restore will or does not remove it or the extra drive.

    Hopefully one of you guys out there can help me out, as the only option I can see to rid myself of this programme is to re-install Windows.

    ……………..Yes yes I know I shouldn’t copy games and maybe this will teach me, but …..

    Doc Rocket
    The Unnamed Soldier

  • #2
    Bertie, please ask [BiA]Diablo (or send him a private message), because he copied me among other things the clonecd program last year onto a very useful tool-cd, and I´m sure that he knows what you have to do to get a solid OS again!

    btw, thx Diablo for building in my new CPU! - 1,2 GHz
    Life is just another way to die!


    • #3
      But I don´t make any pirate copies (so I don´t need clonecd), loooooool


      Life is just another way to die!


      • #4
        Hey doc are you sure you got up todate aspi drivers for clone cd cause like roxie pro you need new driver for all burners!
        Err try to search google or somewhere for aspi xp drivers.
        I had loads of problems till i found them .
        Peace !

        <a href="">
        <img src="" alt="coired Xfire Miniprofile" border=0>


        • #5
          If all else fails Doc.... --->


          • #6
            Hey Guys

            Problem solved.....

            One of my main problems was not being able to edit the registry files properly. Luckly on a different thread [BiA] Sin posted a link for a good progamme 'Reg Cleaner'

            I have now reclaimed my burner back and got rid of the extra drive on my PC

            For any more info on that programme the link to that thread is here

            Thanks for all your posts lads


            • #7
              Good deal Doc!

