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Nvidia Treats Linux Users to 304.51 Display Driver

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  • Nvidia Treats Linux Users to 304.51 Display Driver

    Nvidia's relationship with the open source Linux community is sometimes strained, such as when Linus Torvalds flipped Nvidia the bird and dropped f-bombs at the GPU maker in frustration over the lack of Linux support. It is what it is, and slowly but surely, things are improving. Proof of that can be found in Nvidia's new 304.51 display driver for Linux, which addresses a whole bunch of issues and adds support for several graphics cards.

    The driver adds support for the GeForce GTX 660, GTX 650, GT 645M, GTX 670MX, and GTX 675MX graphics cards, while squashing numerous bugs in the process. Some of these include:
    • Fixed an X server crash on X.Org xserver 1.13 when it is compiled without support for DRI2.
    • Fixed a regression that broke color controls on older X servers.
    • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the display layout area of the nvidia-settings control panel to be laid out incorrectly.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented panning from working correctly after a modeswitch on some X servers with support for cursor constraining.

    That's just a sampling of what's laid out in the full release notes, which is also where you can download the new drivers.

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