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Cool Site of the Week: Get Drunk Not Fat

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  • Cool Site of the Week: Get Drunk Not Fat

    Halloween brings candy. Thanksgiving provides a bounty of rich foods. Taking heavy turkey laden meals, tables full of sugary treats and throwing them both in a blender with a big helping of eggnog, Christmas seems determined to ensure that any of those new pairs of pants waiting for you under the tree won’t have a prayer of fitting you by the time Boxing Day rolls around. Is there anyway to stop the pudgy festive madness? You bet: it’s called Get Drunk Not Fat, and it’s our cool site of the week.

    Get Drunk Not Fat is a powerful tool in the war to control our waistlines while simultaneously destroying our livers. Offering up easy to read information on the alcohol to calorie ratio of a staggeringly large number of adult-oriented beverages, the website is a great way to see how your favorite drinks could be affecting your diet. Beverages are organized by their alcohol content, with data on each drink also including the number of calories per serving, and where the beverage's data was culled from. If you’re not in the mood to scroll, Get Drunk Not Fat’s database is searchable, making it easy to find the information you’re looking for.

    If you can’t find the drink you’re looking for, the site even offers a booze submission form, to make sure that future drinkers never have to go without valuable tipple information ever again.

    Be sure to check in every Friday for another edition of Maximum PC’s Cool Site of the Week.

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