OCZ told attendees of the Needham 5th Annual HDD & Memory Conference that the company plans on shipping triple-level-cell (TLC) NAND SSD drives in the first quarter of next year, Storage Review reports. That would make it the first TLC-based SSD product to hit the streets. Current SSDs use multi-level-cell (MLC) NAND. There are pluses and minuses to TLC NAND as it exists currently; it is approximately 30 percent cheaper than MLC NAND – which could make it an attractive alternative during the upcoming HDD dry spell – but current TLC SSDs could have shelf lives as low as four years, making it a temporary Band-aid at best. OCZ hopes to offset that negative down the line with the second generation of its SSD-life-enhancing Indilinx nDurance technology, which is expected to become available fall of next year.
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