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need help..

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  • need help..

    everytime i enter a server, i allways enter with a wrong name.......then when i try to change it in the limbo menu, it just adds loads of 6's .....the only way i can change my name is througt the consol.../set name [Coi]Mr.Fish but i have 2 do it everytime, and its annoying, plz help me?
    Man vs Fish = Fish wins

  • #2
    When you have a name.cfg file in your main folder, you can't change it through limbo, unlest the text is white... I suggest you have a seperate, plain, white text, preferably 2-3 characters in lenght.. then exec the cfg file while playing, then you can go to limbo and change it.

    If you don't want it to change period, then only have one cfg file in your folder.
    Last edited by lime; 10-29-2002, 02:40 AM.


    • #3

      Do this

      make two .CFG files in notepad called autoexec.cfg & name.cfg

      use this command in autoexec.cfg sheet

      exec name.cfg

      use this command in name

      name ^1[^3Coi^1]^7Mr.Fish

      The autoexec.cfg and the name.cfg are you gonna place under the following folder...

      return to.... /main

      Explanation; the autoexec - as the names explains itself - executes itselfs upon Wolfstartup ... and replaces the written name with the name in the "Name.cfg"

      - Denton
      d r i f t e r s ^ d e n t o n


      • #4
        A fast note ; Don't delete the original ONE LINE that is written in your Autoexec.cfg ( I assumee you allready have a autoexec.cfg in your main ).

        Just insert the "exec name.cfg" a few lines down and save.
        d r i f t e r s ^ d e n t o n


        • #5
          I got the same problem on HPII (without using a name.cfg). But then I searched out that it is also necessary to change the name in the SHRUBMOD wolfconfig_mp.cfg (...\...Wolfenstein\Shrub)!
          Life is just another way to die!


          • #6
            yeah thats true haudenputz! found that out also when my configs wheren't working lol

