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    ,<a href="" title="" style="text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold"></a></section><section><header><h1>Show Guests</h1></header></h2></header>

    <p><b>Dick Morris </b><br />?Nobody expected a three state sweep,? asked Sean as he hit the ground running with his friend and Fox News contributor Dick Morris. ?Santorum is still competing in the semi-final against Gingrich,? cautioned Morris, ?Fundamentally, if he can open up large distances between himself and Gingrich,<a href="" title="" style="text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold"></a>, the anti-Romney vote will be unified behind Santorum.? ?We are dealing with uncharted waters here,? offered Sean,<a href="" title="Hogan" style="text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold">Hogan</a>, ?I?m starting to think we?re going to go all the way to the convention here.? ?No, we?re not going to do that,<a href="" title="Outlet Hogan" style="text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold">Outlet Hogan</a>,? disagreed Morris, ?We?re looking for a winners and Mitt Romney needs to look like a winner next Tuesday.? ?I?m not ruling out a Santorum nomination,? explained Morris, ?If Newt comes back, and then I think Romney will get the nomination.? To watch Dick Morris? video commentary about the importance of Super Tuesda y, click .</p>

    <p><b>Super Tuesday Is Coming </b><br />Sean recently sat down with former presidential candidate Herman Cain to get his thoughts on the importance of Super Tuesday. ?It looks like what everything is now moving towards is heading to Super Tuesday,<a href="" title="Hogan" style="text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold">Hogan</a>,? began Sean, ?That's the big night,<a href="" title="" style="text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold"></a>.? ?You?ll recall that Romney now has about 101 committed delegates but on Super Tuesday, you have almost 200 delegate votes up for grabs,? reminded Cain, ?Tuesday is going to be a very defining moment.? Sean,<a href="" title="Hollister Online Shop" style="text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold">Hollister Online Shop</a>, pressuring Cain for more insight into his endorsed candidate, Newt Gingrich, asked, ?What do you think Newt has to do to regain his momentum?? ?I would recommend the same thing to all three,? answered Cain, ?I don't hear a lot about what specifically is your plan to boost this economy and create jobs, they need to be more specific.? While it?s not clear who will win the nomination, it becoming increasingly clear that Tuesday will be a big day for the candidates. To watch Sean?s interview with Herman Cain, click . <br /> <br /><b>Michelle Malkin </b><br />Michelle Malkin joined the show today to discuss Rick Santorum?s sweeps in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado and what it means for next week?s Super Tuesday battle. ?For a lot of people, these victories came from nowhere,? began Hannity. ?I know in my hometown in Colorado Springs, there?s a lot of dissatisfaction about how the GOP race has been played out,? responded Santorum, ?Now you have the New York Times calling this an ?unexpected trifecta? but this wasn?t unexpected by those who have been paying attention to the race.? ?Usually somebody wins Iowa and New Hampshire and then one of those two will win South Carolina,? questioned Hannity, ?Then it is game over,<a href="" title="Longchamp" style="text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold">Longchamp</a>, why is this taking so long.? ?I think this tells you that money can get you very far but it can?t seal the deal,? responded Malkin, ?Right now, Santorum has won more states with 30 million dollars left.? You can read more about last night?s series of victories and get Michelle?s take by visiting .</p>

    <div id="intcontent"><section id="intsocial"></section></td> <td class="audiobox4"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="audiobox2">Download MP3s:</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="audiobox3"><br /><nobr>Hour 1</nobr></td> <td class="audiobox4"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="audiobox3"><br /><nobr>Hour 2</nobr></td> <td class="audiobox4"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="audiobox3"><br /><nobr>Hour 3</nobr></td> <td class="audiobox4"></td> </tr></table></aside><img src="" width="239" height="179" class="photoborder" />

    <p> Michelle Malkin (born October 20, 1970, née Maglalang) is an American conservative commentator, blogger and author. Her weekly, syndicated column appears in a number of newspapers and websites nationwide. She has been a guest on MSNBC, Fox News Channel, C-SPAN, and national radio programs. Malkin has written four books published by a leading conservative publisher, Regnery. </p>Related articles:

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