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  • :(

    I'm kind of worried...

    I have been very depressed as of recently, and things are atrting to slip my mind. I have always been a good student, but my grades are astarting to drop. I have regular appointments, but forget about them and do other things. I forget homework assignments, chores, and things that I am supposed to do daily. I tried to use one of those little planners, but I always forget to fill it out. :P i was just wondering if anyone had any ideas to help me remember the important things I need to remember. Thanks guys.
    check out
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    Viva El Mariachi!

  • #2
    lol stop toking that green stuff
    Please Direct me 2 the Nearest Padded Room


    • #3
      Originally posted by |AoD| ChicaGo
      lol stop toking that green stuff


      • #4
        i swear... i have never done any drugs, and very little drinking...
        check out
        Find me on et at
        Viva El Mariachi!


        • #5
          Pretty shitty, Wish I could help ya m8


          • #6
            First of all cut your internet-cable that will sort it out....that cable allmost ruined my grades to.

            "We happy few, we band of brothers - for he today that sheds his blood with me - shall be my brother"
            - William Shakespear, King Henry V


            • #7
              Originally posted by [BiA] Eaglefire
              First of all cut your internet-cable that will sort it out....that cable allmost ruined my grades to.
              true! I know the feeling ...

              I forget alot too ... sometime even silly words :|
              If you have something important to do the next day ... write in on your hand you use the most ... than if you notice there is something on you hand have the will to begin with it!!!
              If you do things good now it will pay of later...
              More money ... => more games you can buy => better computer u can buy ... and so on
              Just remember whose side it is that you're on
              You've got friends with you till the end
              If you're ever in a tough situation we'll be there with no hesitation
              Brotherhood's our rule that cannot bend


              • #8
                maybe put notes on your pc screen? (works for me)

                if that dousnt work do as ChicaGo says

                if that dousnt work us more alcohol...bacardi and beer work great...
                ILL BE BACK!!!!!!


                • #9
                  or maybe you should program all the classes important stuff back into your calculator.
                  I may look down and out but when you think I'm down I'll make a comeback and put YOU in your PLACE


                  • #10
                    Well, I have the same problem, but then I know why I have it.
                    I have the chronical fatigue syndrome, and it brings that with it.
                    I take a medicine called B12 and also Becoforte.
                    It's supposed to stimulate the muscles but for me it does much more.
                    I think way clearer by it and I remember more.

                    Maybe it'll help ya, maybe not, but maybe you could ask your doctor.
                    [Coi]Mr.Fragwell® is property of Doc Rocket® and Michael®

                    POST OR DIE!


                    • #11
                      well what you have to do is to talk to your teacher and your parents about how you feel(depressed) and im sure they can help you
                      tell your friends about it to so they can help you remind you of things you have to do
                      for that is what they are there for well + someother things too
                      but i know it can be hard to say that sometimes but HEY
                      everyone needs help sometimes in their life
                      so there is noting to be afraid for

                      and as the guys say maybe its time to go off line for a week and feel how it is

                      Pure (Sweden) Biggest nOOb ever....Free Birth


                      • #12
                        thanks guys, i'm gonna try some of these suggestions.
                        check out
                        Find me on et at
                        Viva El Mariachi!


                        • #13
                          I may look down and out but when you think I'm down I'll make a comeback and put YOU in your PLACE


                          • #14
                            good good.

