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    When NHL betting fans turn on a hockey game today, they'd swear they were watching "old-time hockey" from the 1970s<a href="">nfl jerseys</a>. Players are dropping the gloves at a rapid rate <a href="">www.nflshoppingonline.c om</a>?25 per cent more often than last year ?calling to mind the glory days of "Mad" Mike Milbury beating a fan with his own shoe. While we may never see that level of carnage again (sigh), goons are definitely making a big comeback in the NHL. Anyone who tracks NHL lines should take note, as big fights can alter the tone of a game and sometimes send star players to the dressing room.

    Naturally, the fighting renaissance calls to mind the question: who's the best of the best today? I'm not talking about power forwards like Jarome Iginla, punishing hitters like Dion Phaneuf or even world-class agitators like Sean Avery. I'm talking about true goons, enforcers who drop their gloves almost every night and protect their teammates. Who strikes fear into the hearts of his opponents like nobody else?

    Behold, the top five goons in the NHL today.

    5. Derek Boogaard ?Minnesota Wild

    A YouTube sensation, Derek Boogaard is known for his flashy, one-punch knockouts. Sure, he's not very good at that "hockey" thing. He may not even know how to hold a stick properly. But if your fellow NHL betting fan in the adjacent cubicle yells "dude<a href="">cheap jerseys</a>, you have to come see this fight!" -- chances are he? showing you some Boogaard magic. And who wouldn't be intimidated by a guy whose name starts with Boo? And ends with "gaard"?

    4<a href="">cheap nfl jerseys</a>. Daniel Carcillo ?Phoenix Coyotes

    324 penalty minutes would be respectable for a five or 10-year career. Phoenix's Daniel Carcillo did it in 57 games last year. Are you kidding me? Not only does he have to be an extremely tough S.O.B. to fight that often, the sheer fact that he had time to amass that many PIMs is astounding. He even chipped in 13 goals last year, presumably while staying on the ice for about one minute per game. If sportsbooks posted the odds of Carcillo dropping the mitts on any given night, NHL betting fans would have an easy decision.

    3. Milan Lucic ?Boston Bruins

    When fans hear Lucic's name, they don't immediately think "goon." That's because the kid has loads of talent. Already adored in Beantown, Lucic has been anointed the second coming of Cam Neely. He can score, he pumps up the crowd, and he can throw punches with the best of 'em. Playing on the top line, he's a big reason why NHL odds favor the Bruins more often than not. Any rival goon who underestimates Lucic because of his offensive prowess is in for a rude awakening.

    2. Georges Laraque ?Montreal Canadiens

    With apologies to Donald Brashear, Laraque is still the best remaining member of the NHL's old generation of goons. Sure, he doesn't drop the gloves as much as he used to, but there's a reason for that: everyone's still afraid to fight him. An oldie but a goodie, he sticks up for his teammates like nobody else. NHL betting fans should always pick Laraque to win.

    1. George Parros ?Anaheim Ducks

    Stanley Cup ring? Check. Iconic mustache? Check. Economics degree from Princeton? Let me repeat that. ECONOMICS DEGREE FROM PRINCETON!!?? Check. How can we not crown Parros the king of all goons? He can trade blows with the best of them, but that's just the beginning. His bushy facial hair could make a primate jealous. Most of all, he has as much brains as every other NHL enforcer combined. Princeton? If the league's goons formed their own society, Parros would clearly be their King. No, Overlord. No, Supreme Chancellor.

    An honorable mention goes to these guys, who apparently decided to recreate Braveheart on ice. Anyone who bet online that this would happen is now very wealthy.