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        Pandora charms Selecting the latest artistic director was always around the agenda for Christian Dior. Raf Simons was appointed on the job in the manner dwelling previous thirty day period - replacing John Galliano who was sacked in March 2011 following an anti-Semitic rant - and though Dior waited 13 months to call the latest designer, while in which time gains unexpectedly grew, president and chief government Sidney Toledano mentioned they do not ever thought to be carrying on with not having a person. Comment on this ArticleHe advised the Financial Moments: &quot;I in no way considered that. I constantly thought we absolutely needed an inventive director. They, and their charisma, are what create breakthroughs. But you make choices about how you use that. The job of artistic director for a lifestyle brand - a particular that implies all the aspects of life such as vacation, sports, and so on - is different from the function of creative director in a luxury brand. [They are] a shorthand to help consumers understand the brand, and to embody it.&quot;In the aftermath of the scandal, the label was helmed by interim designer Bill Gaytten, who oversaw retail revenues increase almost 30 per cent .However, Sidney admitted having a flamboyant inventive designer wasn't necessarily a bonus and says a successful brand is more about the quality of the goods.He added: &quot;If [flamboyance] works for the designer, then fine, and if it feels natural. But if not, it can be counterproductive, and it is better to avoid it. In the end, luxury is judged not by whether a designer's face is on X number of posters, but by their work.&quot;Kelly Brook launches clothing for brand spanking new Appearance christian louboutin uk


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          doudoune moncler femme Ingredients200 g pour le farine ordinaire1 cuill. &#224; caf&#233; signifiant levure1 plaquette pour 125 g qui remplace beurre doux150 g depuis sucre + un peu dans le but de saupoudrer sur les cookies1 œuf1 cuill. &#224; caf&#233; d’extrait signifiant vanille naturelle200 g d'un beurre pour le cacahu&#232;te 100 g des p&#233;pites pour le chocolatPreparation1. Mettez la plaque &#224; mi-hauteur au sein votre four d'ailleurs pr&#233;chauffez celui-ci &#224; 180 &#176;C (th. 6). Huilez l&#233;g&#232;rement une plaque &#224; g&#226;teaux ou recouvrez-le par papier sulfuris&#233;.2. M&#233;langez les farine d'ailleurs les soins de levure chez un bol et aussi r&#233;servez. Au sein un saladier, fouettez vivement un &#233;tat de nocuit&#233; beurre d'ailleurs l'appareil sucre &#224; l’aide d’un batteur &#233;lectrique, jusqu’&#224; ce que un m&#233;lange soit onctueux. Puis ajoutez les œufs, la vanille apr&#232;s le beurre d'un cacahu&#232;te, apr&#232;s fouettez &#224; nouveau. Incorporez enfin ce m&#233;lange farine/levure d'ailleurs battez encore, qui prend place pour sorte qu’il ne reste plus aucune trace blanche.3. Formez une boule avec 2 cuill&#232;res &#224; soupe qui remplace cette p&#226;te mais aussi mettez-la &#224; l'int&#233;rieur de assez &#233;lev&#233; plat &#224; cookies. Appliquez le fond d’un verre sur la boule apr&#232;s appuyez afin d' former un cercle pour le 6 centim&#232;tres. R&#233;p&#233;tez l’op&#233;ration avec un reste d'un le p&#226;te, en utilisant 2 plats si n&#233;cessaire.4. Enfoncez de la pointe des p&#233;pites au sein de la p&#226;te pour confectionner des visages souriants ? : 1 p&#233;pite des chocolat afin de chaque œil ainsi que 4 dans le but de le sourire. Saupoudrez g&#233;n&#233;reusement de sucre. Laissez cuire environ 20 minutes, jusqu’&#224; ce que les bords soient l&#233;g&#232;rement color&#233;s. Sortez du four avec laissez refroidir compl&#232;tement avant depuis servir. Vous pouvez conserver ces cookies jusqu’&#224; 4 jours de une bo&#238;te herm&#233;tique.Coq au vin doudoune moncler


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                thomas sabo Making over the brand&rsquo;s impressive heritage of fashion collaborations, this year is the most monumental yet. Diet Coke has appointed the world-renowned fashion designer as Creative Director, who will work his magic on a range of Diet Coke projects in 2012.The quick films premiere Gaultier collaborating with the model. The Night &amp; Day Serial Designer Series features a guest appearance in each film - where Gaultier takes on a different role, from a therapist to a journalist and even a private detective. Each film heroes one of the Diet Coke puppets and brings to life their personality inside of a humorous way. The international fashion icon helps to solve an outfit dilemma for Eleanor, Bernadette and Irene &ndash; he transforms them, exclusively styling them in Gaultier, following their fashion emergencyThe three puppets have been styled to reflect their individual and outgoing personalities. The setting of their fashion disaster gives a glimpse into their world.Eleanor&rsquo;s Thriller Comment on this ArticleEleanor visits a private detective&rsquo;s office where she divulges her experience to a gentleman sitting behind a shadowed desk. Themed as a 1960s black and white movie, the eerie clicking of the typewriter transports Eleanor into her flashback. She is in her boudoir chatting over the telephone, complaining to a friend that she has already fashioned every look and has nothing to wear over the red carpet. Upon hearing this, an arm dressed in the recognisable striped sailor&rsquo;s jersey cuts her phone line and appears from behind the curtain, in true thriller style. After taking a sip from a Diet Coke can Jean Paul Gaultier approaches Eleanor and begins the transformation.&nbsp; Once complete she is dressed within a stunning, one-of-a-kind tattooed outfit ready to attend her film premiere.Bernadette&rsquo;s RomanceBernadette visits her therapist to discuss her crisis and drifts off into a flashback. Asleep on her white bed, dressed in her feminine cream kimono her romantic personality is reflected in the setting. After over sleeping she wakes with a start to the sound of her alarm beeping and realises that she will be late for an interview. With a fashion emergency relating to the horizon, The Night &amp; Day Serial Designer comes to the rescue tantalising her seductively with a stunning gown, leaving her dressed to impress.Irene&rsquo;s MusicalIrene&rsquo;s rock chick persona is brought to life through the opening image of her hosting a press conference. As the cameras flash she is whisked back to a memory of her dancing around to cheesy music dressed in an old t-shirt.&nbsp; Gaultier appears, switches the music to a rock anthem and begins her makeover. The music reminds Irene of her penchant for leather and her notable cool style. Once the transformation is complete, the heroine is once again a stylish star dressed inside of a sexy zip-up, leather miniskirt and ready to rock.Each puppet has her own look, but together they share the belief that the light-hearted side of fashion is all about personal style &ndash; rather than following fashion rules.The entertaining limited movies give clues about the forthcoming partnership with Diet Coke and Jean Paul Gaultier. Watch this space for further fashion moments to be revealed throughout 2012&hellip;.Klum Opens Up About Seal Break up 'Tornado' dre beats Olivia Palermo finds style bargains &quot;exciting&quot;.The former 'City' star loves discovering high street copies of runway trends that &quot;don't break the bank&quot;, and she is especially keen on finding cheap accessories to dress up a particular look.She explained: &quot;The trick is taking a runway trend and incorporating it into your wardrobe in a way that doesn't break the bank. Blend them with your personal style. Comment on this Article&quot;It's not about how much a piece of jewellery costs - if it's $2, well then that's even more exciting.&quot;Olivia admitted she also is a fan of up and coming London-based designers, and she likes to mix pieces from the collections of the likes of Matthew Williamson and Markus Lupfer with those from &quot;bigger names&quot;.She added in an interview with &quot;I love supporting younger, London-based designers like Matthew Williamson and Markus Lupfer. &quot;I'll wear them, as well as some bigger names from time to time, but it's that high low mix that's important.&quot;Gwyneth Paltrow enjoys stripes louis vuitton handbags
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