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Comment on this ArticleBut holding on to clothing that you don&rsquo;t wear does more harm than good, warns top psychologist Linda Papadopoulos, she says:&nbsp;&ldquo;There are many reasons why people keep apparel they no longer wear but clearing out your wardrobe of dimensions and styles that no longer fit and giving them to &lsquo;Give Up Garments for Good&rsquo; will help you to love and value the person you are today. You&rsquo;ll feel even better knowing that you&rsquo;ll be making a huge difference through your donation by helping to beat children&rsquo;s cancers.&ldquo;People can also develop an emotional attachment or sense of nostalgia to apparel making them tough to allow go of &ndash; whether it&rsquo;s the dress you wore when you got engaged or that lucky suit you wore for a job interview. Donating clothes to charity helps to release that reluctance to part ways with the item because you know that you&rsquo;re giving a child the chance to have a better life as well as giving your outfits a new lease of life.&rdquo;The ladies who hold on to their clothes that don't fit admitted that they hope they'll come in handy at some point, and some even bought them in the size too small as 'thinspiration' in the hope of fitting into them soon.&nbsp;To support &lsquo;Give Up Clothes for Good&rsquo;, drop off a bag of unwanted quality clothing at TK Maxx from 1<sup>st</sup>-30<sup>th</sup>&nbsp;April 2012.&nbsp; Special donation bags available free in all TK Maxx stores from late March, however, any bag will do &ndash; from bin bags to carrier bags.Alessandra Ambrosio plans quick work return beats by dr dre We all know it truly is very difficult to permit go of specific clothes, they're able to be sentimental, a gift, we looked seriously slender in them, or almost definitely, we just like to hoard thingsAbout eighty for every cent of British a lot of women confess to hoarding ill-fitting outfits,&nbsp; especially jeans, with one in 12 keeping items of four several sizes, according to retailer TK Maxx.&nbsp;<br /><br />More than one in several of the more than 1,000 a lot of women surveyed had been 4 or more totally different dress dimensions during their adult lives&nbsp;and&nbsp; one in 12 of the most women surveyed currently have several or more measurements of apparel in their &rsquo;four-drobe&rsquo;.&nbsp;A study by TK Maxx and Cancer Research UK found a quarter keep expensive, designer clothing that no longer fit as they can&rsquo;t bear to give them away. Comment on this ArticleBut holding on to garments that you don&rsquo;t wear does more harm than good, warns top psychologist Linda Papadopoulos, she says:&nbsp;&ldquo;There are many reasons why people keep clothing they no longer wear but clearing out your wardrobe of measurements and styles that no longer fit and giving them to &lsquo;Give Up Outfits for Good&rsquo; will help you to love and value the person you are today. You&rsquo;ll feel even better knowing that you&rsquo;ll be making a huge difference through your donation by helping to beat children&rsquo;s cancers.&ldquo;People can also develop an emotional attachment or sense of nostalgia to apparel making them very difficult to let go of &ndash; whether it&rsquo;s the dress you wore when you got engaged or that lucky suit you wore for a job interview. Donating clothes to charity helps to release that reluctance to part ways with the item because you know that you&rsquo;re giving a child the chance to have a better life as well as giving your apparel a new lease of life.&rdquo;The ladies who hold on to their apparel that don't fit admitted that they hope they'll come in handy at some point, and some even bought them in the size too small as 'thinspiration' in the hope of fitting into them soon.&nbsp;To support &lsquo;Give Up Outfits for Good&rsquo;, drop off a bag of unwanted quality clothing at TK Maxx from 1<sup>st</sup>-30<sup>th</sup>&nbsp;April 2012.&nbsp; Special donation bags available free in all TK Maxx stores from late March, however, any bag will do &ndash; from bin bags to carrier bags.Alessandra Ambrosio plans quick work return louis vuitton
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