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    moncler outlet De Egyptische vicepresident Suleiman is Israëls favoriete opvolger van president Mubarak. Dat staat in een Amerikaans ambtsbericht dat is geopenbaard door WikiLeaks. Het bericht van augustus 2008 geeft een samenvatting van een bezoek van de Israëlische defensieminister Barak aan Alexandrië. Een medewerker van Barak vertelt op de Amerikaanse ambassade in Tel Aviv dat "de Israëliërs verwachten dat Suleiman in elk geval als tijdelijke president zal dienen, als Mubarak sterft of niet meer in staat is te regeren". In een eigen notitie schrijft een Amerikaanse diplomaat dat wat betreft de opvolging van de Egyptische president "er geen twijfel is dat Israël de voorkeur geeft aan het vooruitzicht op Suleiman". De medewerker van Barak was vol lof over hem. Inlichtingendienst Suleiman reist met enige regelmaat naar Israël en voerde gesprekken over het vredesproces in het Midden-Oosten. Omar Suleiman (74) werd eind januari door Mubarak benoemd tot vicepresident, de eerste in dertig jaar. Suleiman was ruim zeventien jaar het hoofd van de inlichtingendienst. Hij voert al dagen onderhandelingen met de oppositie om het land uit de huidige politieke crisis te loodsen. Grondwet Suleiman maakt vandaag bekend dat president Mubarak een werkgroep heeft benoemd die voorstellen moet doen voor veranderingen in de grondwet. De veranderingen in de grondwet hebben vooral betrekking op de positie van de president. Ook komt er een werkgroep die toeziet op de invoering van andere hervormingen. Wie er in de werkgroepen plaatsnemen, zei Suleiman niet. Met de werkgroepen probeert de regering de oppositie de wind uit de zeilen te nemen. De oppositie wil dat Mubarak meteen opstapt, maar die wil aanblijven tot na de verkiezingen in september. Deel deze paginaCees Korvinus per direct weg bij de VARA

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    thomas sabo Donald Trump is releasing a whole new fragrance. The businessman launched his debut scent Donald Trump The Fragrance eight many years in the past in association with Estee Lauder and now plans to abide by it up with Accomplishment by Trump, with the Five Star Fragrance Co. Comment on this Articlewhich he hopes would be a more "international" scent. Donald - who is married to Melania Trump - told WWD: "The last one did well but it was really meant alot more for our product, for my company. I wanted to do a fragrance for all of my clubs, all my buildings and all of my everything. And we still use it. This one [the second] is meant for that also, but it's going to be considered a much additional international fragrance. We're going to go much bigger with it."Rafael Villoldo, vice president of Perfumania Holdings Inc says the new scent will likely be "aspirational" and will represent the Trump family achievement. He explained: "The fragrance is based on far more than his name and him personally. It is the lifestyle and the aspiration to what he represents -- wealth. The Trump family represents success. It's a very aspirational name."Ralph Lauren to launch 4 scent assortment dr dre beats Joan Collins believes gals in excess of forty may want to steer clear of denims.The 78-year-old actress - who was lately snapped sporting denim jeans using a black leather jacket - insists the model is not for everybody.She stated: "Frankly, [wearing jeans] just makes all of us look the same. One of the things about being glamorous is that you have to find your own look."If you must wear denims, which are rarely glamorous in adult females around forty, wear dark blue or black and pair them with t-shirts that are fitted or jackets that are classically cut." Comment on this ArticleDishing out fashion tips from her new book, 'The World According to Joan', the iconic former 'Dynasty' star says she was advised by Hollywood actress Claudette Colbert to always pick clothes that suited her.She told 'BBC Breakfast': "A lot of the best dressed [older women] have defined their look. "My advice is to find a type that suits you and stick to it."Meanwhile, Joan mingled with the Hollywood elite at a series of Oscars parties last month, and admits she was impressed by P. Diddy.She told Grazia magazine: "In the ladies loo I spoke to Sofia Vergara, who is a true beauty that has a woman's body, not a stick insect like so many of the starlets.'I also spoke to P. Diddy, who was super smooth and very complimentary to me.'Percy brought Ben Stiller to say hello and he was taller than I expected. Then I spoke to the Beckhams. 'You're so tall!' I told Victoria. 'Yes I am,' she smiled - then revealed her seven-inch heels."Unidentified designer predicted for Dior task louis vuitton handbags
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    Reddish eyeballs cause you to appearance tired and exhausted. Carry a jar of vision falls in your tote and reapply as needed throughout the day. At home, keep a package of eye declines in the family fridge to recharge your eyesight when you are getting house coming from a time in the dried out, air flow conditioned workplace.

    For those who have time for nothing else, focus on your eye-brows. Occasionally you possibly will not have time to complete your makeup products. This can be good. Nevertheless, in the event you nevertheless wish to pull a glance jointly, try focusing on your eye-brows. Condition them, remember to brush them and be sure to complete them in. Eye-brows are usually the focus of your deal with.

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    Restore nail polish with nail polish removal. When your beloved jar of nail polish is getting just a little thick, fill a couple of drops of nail shine remover into the container and shake. It would release the improve and thin it all out, allowing you to get more coats out of it.

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    Your own hair color can determine every factor of your cosmetics and shade application routine. Should your your hair coloration is blonde, brown, or reddish colored, you need to keep with eyeliner and mascara in light brown or dim brownish, but never black color. Black eyeliner and mascara can appear way too unnatural and could have the skin area look laundered outside in those that have light head of hair.

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