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Hubei announced caused 19 dead Wuhan elevator crashes involving unit

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  • Hubei announced caused 19 dead Wuhan elevator crashes involving unit

    In 2012 09 Oct 14 13:45 Jingchu net [micro-blog] I want to comment (0) size: T|T Jingchu net news in September 13th 13 when make,<a href="">abercrombie</a>, Wuhan happy avenue East Lake garden area C 7-1 building construction of persons and goods lifts,<a href="">abercrombie and fitch</a>, occurred up to 100 meters when falling, 19 people were killed in a major safety accident.<br />After the accident,<a href="">dolce gabbana</a>, Hubei housing construction hall also held an emergency meeting, study deploy safe production work, evening issued an emergency notice requirements immediately begin inside complete province limits construction safety special inspection.<br />Notification requirements, to fully understand the current construction situation of safety in production of the extreme seriousness."9.13" major accidents in Hubei province is more than 10 years the most serious construction safety accidents, construction administrative departments at all levels must according to "leadership, the geographical coverage,<a href="">air jordan</a>, who check who is responsible for" requirement, immediately deployed to carry out the administrative area of jurisdiction in the construction engineering safety work of the special inspection.<br />Immediately to acceptance of various types of construction lifting equipment.Since the promulgation of this notice, immediately stop all around in the construction of the tower crane, construction of persons and goods lifts, material hoist and electric basket construction lifting equipment,<a href="">air jordan france</a>, to conduct a comprehensive inspection.<br />Supervision of construction units of construction lifting equipment actual working condition,<a href="">air jordan pas cher</a>, equipment registration, the construction crane disassembly unit qualification,<a href="">hogan</a>, equipment operation qualification, special plan formulation and implementation, to conduct a comprehensive inspection and acceptance, qualified before reuse.<br />Organize a greater risk of project safety special inspection.According to corporate self-examination, inspection,<a href="">ralph lauren pas cher</a>, supervision and territoriality principle, in the construction of the dangerous parts engineering, focusing on deep foundation pit, tall, tall scaffolding template engineering undertakes all-around, whole number of comprehensive examination.<br />Plan examination and approval procedures incomplete are shut down, not according to plan execution shall be ordered to dismantle again according to plan.The inspection found problems, construction administrative departments at all levels should supervise the handling, tracking the implementation of.<br />On examination and rectification for not implementing the main body of responsibility, strictly seriously, according to the law treatment.Intensify safety education and training.Each district should supervise and urge construction, supervision, construction enterprises and other parties, increase pair of frontline workers safety education and training, make full use of migrant workers school, class and other means of education, improves the knowledge of production safety,<a href="">polo ralph lauren</a>, strengthen safety warning education, enhance the personnel of a gleam of self awareness, strict "three types of personnel" and special operations personnel training assessment and management of continuing education,<a href="">ralph lauren</a>, who do not meet the requirements to be out of the construction site.<br />Timely reporting of inspections.All localities must before 25 September, the region to complete construction of production safety work of the special inspection, and the inspection,<a href="">polo ralph lauren pas cher</a>, construction lifting equipment,<a href="">moncler sito ufficiale</a>, the type and quantity of hazardous project to check out the hidden type and quantity, the implementation of the rectification shall be written on the building housing the office safety committee office, province to live to build the hall will be in mid September began to organize inspection groups throughout the implementation of inspection.<br />According to the announcement, the construction units for the Wuhan million Kerry Limited Liability Company home, construction units for the Hubei harmony construction group, supervision units for Wuhan BOT project management company, construction lifts installed for Wuhan Zhonghui machinery manufacturers.<br />Related articles:

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    introduction]!The snake!"Yesterday at 3 am, a young girl Xiao Yang and the other two sisters next night shift back, back to the Yuzhong District Road No. 12 Building 5 building rental shop.Xiao Yang will hand down, then get ready to receive water to wash basin outside when a scream