I'm aware that the url of our website is already known with probably the most of you, but it is just since today that we have at last all the webspace we'd needed to fullfill our task to our disposal: Creating a (photo)database of regular RtcW players..
http://www.freewebs.com/toak/ is the url to our website, and all the credit for its contents goes to Sandra, who did in my opinion a terrific job at it... Maintaining and extending the website will be from now on a task to the both of us..
We hope you are willing to co-operate with us, so we will be able to collect all the needed data to make this project a success.. In our opinion it can contribute a lot to our shrinking RtcW-community. It is not only nice to know the face and background behind the nickname, but it can also contribute to more understanding between each other...
Greetz, and have fun with our website,
P.s. Be a bit patient when loading the webalbum.. It may take a while..
http://www.freewebs.com/toak/ is the url to our website, and all the credit for its contents goes to Sandra, who did in my opinion a terrific job at it... Maintaining and extending the website will be from now on a task to the both of us..
We hope you are willing to co-operate with us, so we will be able to collect all the needed data to make this project a success.. In our opinion it can contribute a lot to our shrinking RtcW-community. It is not only nice to know the face and background behind the nickname, but it can also contribute to more understanding between each other...
Greetz, and have fun with our website,
P.s. Be a bit patient when loading the webalbum.. It may take a while..