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=BE= Campaign XIII

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  • =BE= Campaign XIII

    Cam 13 of battlefield europe starts today the 26th so anyone interest in playing this cam should go here and signup
    Fun Gamers Club - Where fantasy meets reality

  • #2
    The GREATEST fun you guys will have playing RTCW. =BE= will not let you down....We have alot of fun just talking with each other when we playing wolf in =BE=....Come on guys, its alot of FUN...
    Last edited by [BiA] SlyFi; 02-26-2005, 06:52 PM.


    • #3
      the only drawback is u have to listen to that camper Dementor aka slyfi if u go allies so best join axis :P lol!

      and don't join the rest sayin u don't understand my cool accent either
      Fun Gamers Club - Where fantasy meets reality


      • #4
        yes, it was a nice time when i played my pc r nuts...cant play any online-games without it crashes....just have to wait a month or so for my new monster-pc. Then I maybe will join again.

        "We happy few, we band of brothers - for he today that sheds his blood with me - shall be my brother"
        - William Shakespear, King Henry V


        • #5
          Oh god. I really like the BE, but when I was a month or so inactive, I lost the site and couldn't join anymore... But I'll think I'm coming back again..
          To be is to do.
          To do is to be.
          Do be do be do.


          • #6
            BE was great indeed when I played, dunno why I stopped i got to busy, dunno if I come back play BE since I play other games on the net ..


            • #7
              So there is a battle running now? To bad I cant join already, havent got pass yet..
              To be is to do.
              To do is to be.
              Do be do be do.


              • #8
                yeah battles run every Tuesday 6 pm(GMT) to 12 midnight & Sat 6 pm to 2 am (GMT) but you only play for as long as you want the long hours are just so both NA and EU get a game.

                TramDesign are releasing a new version of their Degeneration MOD which should bread some new life into wolfie, we hope to be testing it soon and it looks like they have made a lot of changes since the first beta version.

                We are still getting new blood in BE but we could do with more support otherwise it could be the end, pity after all wolfie has given so many people, its not even as if the new games are any better, more and better graphics sure but better game play, I don't think so.

                anyway you are all welcome to join us at BE for some good old wolfie fun and fraggin
                Fun Gamers Club - Where fantasy meets reality


                • #9
                  W00t, I joined the Allies. Now I'm going to play the whole week RTCW to warm up for the battle...!!
                  To be is to do.
                  To do is to be.
                  Do be do be do.


                  • #10
                    yeah I seen that you joined us again at BE, big welcome m8, gg and have fun.
                    Fun Gamers Club - Where fantasy meets reality


                    • #11
                      Lol, I didnt know that Seiko = Skywalker and Slyfi = Dementor...!!

                      GG last night guys, looking forward to Sat.
                      To be is to do.
                      To do is to be.
                      Do be do be do.


                      • #12
                        just rejoined [BiA] clan too but yeah that's them ok but playing wolf just caused my laptop to burn out so I'm stuck with an old PC but can't get use to playing wolf on it so the battle was too much fun for me last time out
                        Fun Gamers Club - Where fantasy meets reality

