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Jetpack PC From Piixl Fits Comfortably On the Back of Your TV

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  • Jetpack PC From Piixl Fits Comfortably On the Back of Your TV

    Strap a Jetpack onto the back of your TV

    With Valve's upcoming systems and the various "Steam Machine" models on the horizon, the road to becoming a PC gamer is quickly becoming a clear path unmuddied by confusing hardware or frustrating setups. Now, Piixl wants to get in on the action with its new Jetpack PC, which seeks to offer a different sort of convenience: the kind you don't even have to see.
    Piixl's Jetpack PC attaches to the back of your television, so no one even has to know you're equipped with a powerful gaming machine unless you choose to reveal it. You can change out the graphics card or GPU whenever you're ready as the system is an open PC architecture, so you'll be able to keep up with the times on the cheap without having to buy an entirely new setup.
    The Jetpack itself is actually quite small, 2.5 inches thick, and it will start at $1,000, going on sale January 1st, 2014. Exact specifications for the machine have yet to be revealed, but it looks to be a pretty powerful piece of equipment. It's an interesting setup to be sure, but who will end up adopting this over Valve's Steam Machine prototypes?

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