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Kernal errors :(

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  • Kernal errors :(

    In wolf MP I keep on either geting one of the 2 things.

    1. I get a kernal error ( grey message warning ) and that kicks me back to my desktop.


    2. My game completly freezes in multiplayer. The map loads and you can see it, but then everything stops and you hear the same sound over and over and over again and the game just freezes, you can't even alt/tab out of it.

    I need help!!!! Any help would be very appreciated.

  • #2
    It's funny how all the problems with wolf started as soon as everyone installed 1.4, maybe they should finally listen and take it off because there is absolutely 100% NO FUCKING benefit.. NOTHING... I'm not going off on you crimson lol, I've just always protested the shitty patch but no one listens..

    Good Luck


    • #3
      are you still running 1.3 lime?


      • #4
        *shhhhh...* I'll let in on a little secret, yes.. but I'll have to change very soon because nobody will listen, and they all insist we switch to 1.4... but no one can give me one good reson other than, "well.. umm... most servers are running 1.4", which is a fib.. but anyways I don't blame anyone for not going back to 1.3 because they have to reinstall wolf, but I'm sure most prefer 1.3... I'm more than willing to hear just ONE positive think about the patch, please, someone tell me.


        • #5
          It has increased the amount of posts and that could lead to more internet devices sold, which in turn could increase production in factories and that in turn would allow all of us to buy better cards after the 1.5 patch comes out.

          [BiA] SunnyBoy
          I know where I am concerning where I was, things always look better depending on how far you look back.


          • #6
            1.4 gives no problems, which moron said bullet holes are gone? they're still freakin there when u shoot!! nutcases


            • #7
              true, i didn't had any problem with 1.4!!!
              if i can't revive it, nobody can!!!


              • #8
                LOOOL, no prob w/ 1.4?????
                TRY SHRUB!!!
                IT BLOWS(1.4)

                So i copied my rtcw and made a new folder for rtcw mp 1.4 so if it screws up i wont have to reinstall.
                <a href="">My Anarcho-Capitalist Shop</a>


                • #9
                  I fixed the problem I reseted my performance settings and now it works fine.

