Hey its RivrStyx.
Screenshots: http://www.team-resurrection.net/sit...DOLScreens.htm
Den of Lions Dual Objective map for ET released - 15mb
(NOTE: /set com_hunkmegs 72 (in the console if you get a hunk allocation error when loading.)
Its recommended for 40-64 players and is Dual Objective. Can download it http://www.fileplanet.com/dl.aspx?/p...ons_etdual.zip or direct download it from my custom server at
The Axis and Allied forces have setup a swap. Each side is acting alone without headquarters knowledge. The allies are to exchange a high ranking prisoner they have captured for a large quantity of gold the axis had stolen in a raid. The exchange is to take place at noon. Each side has decided to abandon the deal because of greed and secure their objectives before the exchange is to take place."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
"Primary Objective:**Destroy Axis safe door to gain entry."
"Primary Objective:**Defend cell door from Axis entry."
"Primary Objective:**Steal the gold and get away in the truck waiting at your base."
"Primary Objective:**Guard the prisoner."
"primary Objective:**Destroy the axis Command Post."
"Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post."
"Secondary Objective:**Get forward flag."
// Axis Objective Descriptions
"Primary Objective:**Defend safe door from Allied entry."
"Primary Objective:**Destroy cell door to gain entry."
"Primary Objective:**Guard the gold."
"Primary Objective:**Breakout the prisoner and get him to the Red Cross for treatment."
"Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post."
"Primary Objective:**Destroy the allied Command Post."
"Secondary Objective:**Get forward flag."
Screenshots: http://www.team-resurrection.net/sit...DOLScreens.htm
Den of Lions Dual Objective map for ET released - 15mb
(NOTE: /set com_hunkmegs 72 (in the console if you get a hunk allocation error when loading.)
Its recommended for 40-64 players and is Dual Objective. Can download it http://www.fileplanet.com/dl.aspx?/p...ons_etdual.zip or direct download it from my custom server at
The Axis and Allied forces have setup a swap. Each side is acting alone without headquarters knowledge. The allies are to exchange a high ranking prisoner they have captured for a large quantity of gold the axis had stolen in a raid. The exchange is to take place at noon. Each side has decided to abandon the deal because of greed and secure their objectives before the exchange is to take place."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
"Primary Objective:**Destroy Axis safe door to gain entry."
"Primary Objective:**Defend cell door from Axis entry."
"Primary Objective:**Steal the gold and get away in the truck waiting at your base."
"Primary Objective:**Guard the prisoner."
"primary Objective:**Destroy the axis Command Post."
"Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post."
"Secondary Objective:**Get forward flag."
// Axis Objective Descriptions
"Primary Objective:**Defend safe door from Allied entry."
"Primary Objective:**Destroy cell door to gain entry."
"Primary Objective:**Guard the gold."
"Primary Objective:**Breakout the prisoner and get him to the Red Cross for treatment."
"Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post."
"Primary Objective:**Destroy the allied Command Post."
"Secondary Objective:**Get forward flag."