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HPC shortcut binds

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  • HPC shortcut binds

    I have had alot of people ask me how I get there name typed in like they have it when they kill me.
    Well HPC has a shortcut list you can use to bind things here is the list as it is on the server

    here is my bind
    bind x "say [D] GREAT SHOT"
    simple as that the [D] gets replaced with the person who killed you and this way they know that i am telling them and not anyone else.

    OK this is an addition for those that are asking about the toggle i have for the binds above so here is the list
    //killed toggle
    // Got Killed Toggle
    set killed1 "say Great shot [d];set gotkilled vstr killed2"
    set killed2 "say Don't worry [d] I am walking it off;set gotkilled vstr killed3"
    set killed3 "say Thanks [d] I needed to respawn anyway;set gotkilled vstr killed4"
    set killed4 "say You totally pwned me there [d];set gotkilled vstr killed5"
    set killed5 "say j00 are an ubersoldat [d];set gotkilled vstr killed6"
    set killed6 "say [d] Nice One;wait 5;vsay greatshot;set gotkilled vstr killed7"
    set killed7 "say OUCH!! [d] that stung a tad bit;set gotkilled vstr killed8"
    set killed8 "say You got the best of me that time [d];set gotkilled vstr killed9"
    set killed9 "say AH man [d] just NAILED [n];set gotkilled vstr killed10"
    set killed10 "say Worry not [d] I will return;set gotkilled vstr killed1"
    set gotkilled "vstr killed1"
    bind x "vstr gotkilled" 
    //got killed toggle
    // Got you Toggle
    set killed11 "say respawn with honor [k];set gotyou vstr killed12"
    set killed12 "say Walk it off [k] walk it off;set gotyou vstr killed13"
    set killed13 "say [k] they say a [w] is just an accident waiting to happen  ;set gotyou vstr killed14"
    set killed14 "say [n]'s [l] [k];set gotyou vstr killed15"
    set killed15 "say this encounter was a loss for you [k] but try again you will get me next time;set gotyou vstr killed16"
    set killed16 "say [k] Nice One but you came up short;set gotyou vstr killed17"
    set killed17 "say OUCH!! [k] that stung a tad bit I would bet;set gotyou vstr killed18"
    set killed18 "say I just got lucky that time [k];set gotyou vstr killed19"
    set killed19 "say AH man [k] just got NAILED by [n];set gotyou vstr killed20"
    set killed20 "say [k] remember Pain heals Chicks Dig Scars Glory Lasts Forever;set gotyou vstr killed11"
    set gotyou "vstr killed11"
    bind n "vstr gotyou" 
    after you pur these in a .cfg file either together or by themselves
    you have to either exec them or put the exec lines in your autoexec.cfg
    how you do that is by adding these lines
    exec gotkilled.cfg
    exec gotyou.cfg
    where the gotkilled and the gotyou are what you named the files
    any questions pm me or use my xfire to ask

    Bob the Nailer (rich)
    Last edited by [BiA] Bob the Nailer; 06-11-2005, 06:19 PM.

  • #2
    Oh thanks. Does that work on all mods?
    To be is to do.
    To do is to be.
    Do be do be do.


    • #3
      i dont think that it does this is afaik just a HPC mod.
      I tried it on my shrub server that i am building and there are no shortcuts like this.


      • #4
        yea man i use that same bind also "bind x say great shot [d]"

        i found those binds a few years here


        • #5
          I have always wondered how people did that so quick.. We all know (or remember I hope) that I am the AMMO QUEEN.. I hand it out the whole time, besides fraggin

          Thanks for the tip, and the website.. Kisses, Melanie

          No hagas lo que no te guste que hagan a ti..



          • #6
            we all can not wait till you can get back in game again angel

            I am trying to write a bind that will cycle thru a few for both the one who killed you and one that you kill that way it isn't the same everytime. Any one that could help with that i would be greatful.
            I think that i can modify the rotate commands bind i found but not sure


            • #7
              i'll just take your word for that Bob..... and continue to play the game lol


              • #8
                yea i am working on a bind that i need help with too. but i do have one to show.. i found this one on a website.. Drop a health or ammo pack
                With this key bind, pressing 7 will throw a health or ammo pack and then switch back to machine gun. (Note this is not a cheat! It only works if you are a Medic or Lieutenant.) If you're crosshairs are aimed at a teammate, you'll also tell them that you've just dropped a pack.

                bind 7 "weaponbank 6;wait 10;+attack;wait 110;-attack;weaponbank 3;tell_target Dropping a pack!"

                hope you guys and girls enjoy

                heres the one i having trouble with. i am trying to make a bind to pull a knife out then through it then go to pistol all in one key. you know when you run out of smg ammo and you want to switch to pistol this way you through a knife also.thought it would work but doesnt i dont have a good CMD to through knife if anyone could help that would be great here what i got so far.

                bind x "weaponbank 1;wait 40;+dropweapon;wait 110;-dropweapon;weaponbank 2"

                btw your welcome MEL or in german (er wilkomen)


                • #9
                  i also want to let ya know that tell_target doesnt work but if you us [p] "the teammate your pointing at". here is another forum that has all topics listed in index really cool place to learn and find stuff Click Here


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by just me
                    bind 7 "weaponbank 6;wait 10;+attack;wait 110;-attack;weaponbank 3;tell_target Dropping a pack!"
                    Thats an old one...


                    • #11
                      I just rip my binds all over the Internet, and right about now I have a real nice config, with very easy controls. No more Limbo menu..
                      To be is to do.
                      To do is to be.
                      Do be do be do.


                      • #12
                        those commands works on ET Shrub too..

                        c u on ET Pro :P

                        <-- got a nice config too... 125 fps (stable)

                        #Eviscerate @ QuakeNet.irc
                        Enemy Territory Division


                        • #13
                          yea the the popuplimbo shit sucks. i have been using that for a while now. i do want to ask something tho how many of you use +salute ? ppl always talk shit when im using it. there is a bind to toggle it on and off will post it here soon. the prob im having is when they dont have it on so when they go to revive you they have to walt straight to your feet. rolmfao wtf is your muafucktion i think everyone should use it then you would have a prob lol nah JK. the best thing is that bind im talking about its a simple one will be posted here soon laters


                          • #14
                            Could you please use normal grammar and build up your sentences in the right way?
                            Because right now all I see on this screen is shit and annoying slangthingies.
                            [Coi]Mr.Fragwell® is property of Doc Rocket® and Michael®

                            POST OR DIE!


                            • #15
                              I am inclined to agree with mr fragwell.

                              and i use +salute but only to push the losers out of the way when they are blocking either the chute on axis or @ the command center,but I have been drug a few miles it seems by a few axis meds from the allied L portion of the tunnel all the way to the end. THAT was funny

