I have had alot of people ask me how I get there name typed in like they have it when they kill me.
Well HPC has a shortcut list you can use to bind things here is the list as it is on the server
here is my bind
simple as that the [D] gets replaced with the person who killed you and this way they know that i am telling them and not anyone else.
OK this is an addition for those that are asking about the toggle i have for the binds above so here is the list
after you pur these in a .cfg file either together or by themselves
you have to either exec them or put the exec lines in your autoexec.cfg
how you do that is by adding these lines
where the gotkilled and the gotyou are what you named the files
any questions pm me or use my xfire to ask
Bob the Nailer (rich)
Well HPC has a shortcut list you can use to bind things here is the list as it is on the server

here is my bind
bind x "say [D] GREAT SHOT"
OK this is an addition for those that are asking about the toggle i have for the binds above so here is the list
//killed toggle // Got Killed Toggle set killed1 "say Great shot [d];set gotkilled vstr killed2" set killed2 "say Don't worry [d] I am walking it off;set gotkilled vstr killed3" set killed3 "say Thanks [d] I needed to respawn anyway;set gotkilled vstr killed4" set killed4 "say You totally pwned me there [d];set gotkilled vstr killed5" set killed5 "say j00 are an ubersoldat [d];set gotkilled vstr killed6" set killed6 "say [d] Nice One;wait 5;vsay greatshot;set gotkilled vstr killed7" set killed7 "say OUCH!! [d] that stung a tad bit;set gotkilled vstr killed8" set killed8 "say You got the best of me that time [d];set gotkilled vstr killed9" set killed9 "say AH man [d] just NAILED [n];set gotkilled vstr killed10" set killed10 "say Worry not [d] I will return;set gotkilled vstr killed1" set gotkilled "vstr killed1" bind x "vstr gotkilled" //eof
//got killed toggle // Got you Toggle set killed11 "say respawn with honor [k];set gotyou vstr killed12" set killed12 "say Walk it off [k] walk it off;set gotyou vstr killed13" set killed13 "say [k] they say a [w] is just an accident waiting to happen ;set gotyou vstr killed14" set killed14 "say [n]'s [l] [k];set gotyou vstr killed15" set killed15 "say this encounter was a loss for you [k] but try again you will get me next time;set gotyou vstr killed16" set killed16 "say [k] Nice One but you came up short;set gotyou vstr killed17" set killed17 "say OUCH!! [k] that stung a tad bit I would bet;set gotyou vstr killed18" set killed18 "say I just got lucky that time [k];set gotyou vstr killed19" set killed19 "say AH man [k] just got NAILED by [n];set gotyou vstr killed20" set killed20 "say [k] remember Pain heals Chicks Dig Scars Glory Lasts Forever;set gotyou vstr killed11" set gotyou "vstr killed11" bind n "vstr gotyou" //eof
you have to either exec them or put the exec lines in your autoexec.cfg
how you do that is by adding these lines
exec gotkilled.cfg exec gotyou.cfg
any questions pm me or use my xfire to ask
Bob the Nailer (rich)